Nicholas S. Zeppos College Wins 2022 SARA National Design Award

David M. Schwarz Architects has won a 2022 National Design Award from the Society of American Registered Architects (SARA) for our work on the Nicholas S. Zeppos College at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. DMSAS is proud that our work with Vanderbilt and all of our partners was selected for this honor.
Sited at the corner of campus at West End Avenue and 25th Street, Zeppos College serves as the gateway for visitors entering the University from the west and north. The 260,000 SF building is designed in a collegiate gothic architectural language appropriate to the context of the other West End Residential Colleges and campus architecture. In addition to housing for undergraduates, faculty, and graduate student advisors, Zeppos College houses meeting space and apartments for visiting scholars.
Meant to promote design excellence in architecture, the SARA National Design Awards winners were honored at a Gala on October 21 in San Diego, California.